Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ouch! My back hurts!!

Haven't been blogging lately. Put my back out about a week ago and I've been taking it easy. Not that blogging is difficult, but when you're not doing much of anything other than laying around in a box, there's not much to blog about.

I did drag myself out this past Friday evening. Have a couple of interviews lined up and figured that was a good excuse to go shopping. Went to JCPenney and Macy's; stores we don't have in Sudbury. Was a bit of a challenge with the back being the way it was, but I managed. Dropped a few items on the floor. Not much fun trying to pick those up!

Of course I couldn't make up my mind on a skirt, so I purchased 3 of them, figuring hubby could tell me which one to keep and then I'll return the others. Still haven't given him a fashion show because the next day my back sure let me know it wasn't happy about my venture out. Several days later, I think I'm now on the mend. :)

And, as always, I look for the bright side in every situation. The bright side to putting your back out? Staying indoors with the air conditioning when it's in the upper 90's outside.

Just finished laundry detail. 5 loads. Had hubby carry the overloaded basket to the laundry room just before he left for work. Managed to bring it back on my own and hope that doesn't mess me up again.

Hubby's work schedule is such that he leaves here at 5:30 p.m. and returns at about 5 a.m. If and when I do land a day job, we sure won't be seeing much of each other. The secret to a happy marriage perhaps? (lol)

Had to smile on my way back to the box (aka apartment) after putting the clothes in the dryers...a Cardinal flew up the walkway in front of me and landed in a nearby bush for a few seconds so I could get a good glipse of her. Such a pretty bird.

Then on my way back from getting the clothes out of the dryer, a frog hopped across the walkway in front of me. I love nature. Well, the pretty side of nature that is. And gotta love it when the laundromat isn't busy. No feuds today! Although the guys that show up some mornings with their whipper snippers after hubby only gets home at 5 a.m. better watch it.

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