Monday, May 16, 2011

My Day

The day started off with hubby's work calling to let him know the run he was scheduled for this morning had been post-poned. He took that as an opportunity to run Betsy (our 8 year old Toyota Echo) over to the dealership to have them look at the air conditioning ... again! We'd just had it in a few weeks ago and had the compressor changed at a whopping cost of $1,500.00, but that didn't seem to have solved the problem. We've now learned that Betsy's evaporator core is also shot, which will cost another $1,200.00! Not a good way to start the day. Vehicles... they're so darn expensive. We've decided to put off the repair for now while we contemplate our options. I will simply have to endure Oklahoma's heat, although I must say that it hasn't been bad so far. We're having an unusually cool spring this year, which is fine with me!

After hubby's noon meeting with his supervisor, we enjoyed lunch at a Mexican restaurant called 'On the Border'. It wasn't bad...a little pricey though. I did order my first ever Mojito. It was goooood. (Debbie, ever since you mentioned having those at The Keg, I've been wanting to try one. Glad I did...or maybe

We drove around afterward and found ourselves in the neighbourhood of the house we have an offer on, so we decided to swing by. As the property is vacant, we are able to drive into the yard. It wasn't long before a cat joined us. A neighbour's cat? A stray? Left behind by the former owners? Not sure, but I do know for certain my Zeeta won't be impressed. I can hear the cat screams now!

It was lovely to just sit there and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. A lot of birds around. Some I'd never seen before. In particular, a little red coloured one. Not a cardinal (although I've enjoyed seeing a couple of those around the apartment complex). And there were several blue jays. For such a pretty bird, they sure have an annoying call. A little white and black bird perched up high in the birdhouse didn't stop chirping the whole time we were there. A squirrel somewhere in the bush joined in nature's conversation for a few minutes. Butterflies were fluttering around. Insects were mating. The rose bush was casting off a wonderful fragrance. Birds were swooping to and from, up and down from the several mature trees in the yard...a pecan, oak, silver maple, cypress, pine, cedar, sweetgum, mulberry.

A portion of the backyard...

The birdhouse; look close...

The pine tree I'm hoping won't die because of the lack of rain...

Walking around the yard I came upon some bushes planted at the front of the house displaying a flower I'd never seen before. Some online sleuthing revealed it to be "lantana"...

Isn't it pretty with the two colours like that?

Also came upon several weeds. With the owners long gone, the weeds are taking over. The place definitely needs some TLC. One particular thistle we'd noticed last time we were there had grown to a supersize! It stood at about 5 feet!!

Darn near big enough to be a sunflower!

And here's some uniqueness added to the you recognize it?

(for those of you who don't, it's the shape of the state of Oklahoma).

As we were leaving, I waved good-bye to the unnamed kitty curled up on the doorstep. I also waved good-bye to Mr. Squirrel. He just sits in the same place all the time and doesn't move. Perhaps because he's blind? Whad-da-ya think? (heehee)

Ah yes, I hope we get the place. :)

And of course for the drive home, a Sonic slush was in order. After all, it was Happy Hour. My choice today was Cherry.

I'll finish off today's post with a picture of what was waiting for me when I got home. A Jesus Fish on my bathroom mat. How cute is that?

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