Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Random sighting #1:

What's more random than spotting a blue hippo on your way to an appointment?

Talk about out of the blue!

She sits there in front of a glass repair shop in Edmond, Oklahoma, holding onto an American flag. You almost expect her to wave it. Not sure what the reasoning behind this oddity is. She sure is cute though. Odd, but cute. Reminded me of my days travelling around with hubby in his semi-truck. You never knew what you might find around the next corner.

Random sighting #2:

A veterinary hospital next to a Chinese restaurant. (sorry, no picture). Now, there's just something not right about that!


Anonymous said...

Tell the "husband unit" that moving the shed to the back yard will provide a place to lock up any train equipment, without constantly handling it taking and bringing it to the house. Current position of shed would make track cross driveway---not good.


"B" said...

You boys and your trains. :)