Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tornado Day

As you all must know, May 24th, 2011, was an active tornado day here in these Oklahoma City parts. With all of the tornado action going on in the States lately, I guess it was our turn.

Hubby and I were having a quiet day in the apartment that day with no TV or radio; as such, we had no idea of the possibility of severe weather. This is how we learned of it:

Around 4 p.m. we curled up to chat before hubby had to leave for work at 5. The discussion turned to tornadoes. Hubby commented that the day was exhibiting perfect conditions for one. We heard a motorcycle accelerate in the distance. I told hubby that the sound of that always gives me a quick adrenaline rush because it sounds like the warning sirens starting up. He agreed. I noticed that the sound wasn't going away. "What is that?", I asked. Hubby kinda chuckled, "That's the sirens!" No way! That's when the radio got turned on.

Tornado activity taking place about 20 miles away. Check Internet. Looks like it's not on a course toward us. That's good. But what if something changes? Hubby assures me we'll be fine. Ya, except that you're going to work. Not only will you be leaving me here alone, you'll also be heading TOWARD the storm. Perhaps you should postpone heading off to work. Nah, hubby says.

Warnings on the radio announce new areas close to us under tornado alert. I give hubby 'a look'. He tells me the sirens we're hearing are in Oklahoma City, not the local ones. "And if the local ones go off?" I ask. He replies, "So you get in the closet and cover up." Again he assures me we're not in the tornado's path and he points it out to me on the computer screen. Since we have no television, we Google for live footage. Holy crap! That's all taking place just a short drive away from here?! Hubby senses I'm a little tense, so he starts gathering pillows and blankets and puts them on the floor of the closet. He tells me to get out a pair of running shoes. He opens the window so I can hear what's happening outside better. "You'll be fine" he says, and with a kiss and a hug, off to work he goes. He's stubborn that way. I tell him to be careful and jokingly remind him that we haven't upped his life insurance yet. (lol)

As soon as he leaves, Mother Nature decides to call. NOW??!! Don't you have enough going on?! Geez! While quickly taking care of business, I notice a spider. Since arriving here a few months ago, I think I've seen one spider. Just before hubby left, there was one on the computer screen. Now here's a second one. Upon returning to the computer screen, I would find yet another one. The first one was lucky...hubby was still home. He always picks them up and puts them outside. Me, I squish 'em! Made me wonder. Can spiders sense intense weather? Weird.

Things progressively start to intensify. New tornadoes are popping up. The sky is getting quite dark. Raining. Thunder. Power starts flickering. Friends on Facebook begin urging me to sit in the closet 'just in case'. When what sounds like the local sirens going off, I start to get a bit freaked. Outside I go to take a look. A little weird. Not a soul is out here. Hmmmm. Just me, the crazy Canadian! I'll take that as a hint. Time for the closet! But first, my kitty cat. Must get her into her little carrier case so she won't claw the heck out of me should things get bad. Mistake! As soon as she saw the thing, there was no catching her! Damn.

I gather a few more items (ie. bottled water, cell phone, portable battery operated radio, Bible), put on my runners and into the closet I go. I give my daughter a quick call....just in case. Then I'm on the phone with hubby. I hear a warning for Del City, only a few miles away. Hubby is pulled over in his semi-truck getting pelted by hail and leaves and rocked by strong winds. At one point he says, "This isn't good". "What?!! What do you mean?!" The noise is so loud I can no longer hear him. I take the phone away from my ear to hear Tinker Air Force Base announcing over loud speakers for everyone to take cover. I'm trying to listen to the radio, the outdoor announcement, hubby...all hard to do when you're trying to keep beneath blankets and pillows and at the same time trying to comprehend just what might happen as well as coaxing your cat to come into the closet so you can close the door. She just looks at me strangely and won't get near enough for me to grab her. Damn.

I hear a rumbling noise. Overwhelmed I tell hubby I'll call him back. Closet door gets shut. Sorry kitty! I cover my head, turn off the radio so I can hear, and wait. I hear more rumbling. Not sure what it is, but I'm hopeful it doesn't get any louder. The bright side in this situation? I'm not on the upper floor.

Shortly afterward, things seem still again. I open the door to notice sun peering in through the blinds. I climb out and notice people are outside. Out I go. I see we were hit by hail, strong winds (leaves everywhere) and there had been a torrential downpour. The parking lot is now a fast flowing river. Kids are excited that they "survived a twister!"(lol). All is well again. For us at least.

And that, my friends, was my experience. :)

To be honest, had I known earlier in the day about these storms, I most likely would have been out driving around trying to catch a glimpse of a tornado. Crazy, but it's on my bucket list. I wonder...Did I miss out on my best chance?

And I also wonder...maybe it wasn't such a good idea to squish the spiders after all!

After the storm:

The cubby hole:

The breezeway just outside my door:

Parking lot river:

The next day:

Some gathered branches at the apartment complex:

In search of a repeat:

Might as well grab a Cherry Slush while we're out and about. It is Happy Hour after all:

(look closely for the plane in this one)
Alive and well and still loving the clouds here.

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