Thursday, May 5, 2011


I have to admit that when I first arrived here, I had a bit of a mini-breakdown. Was totally unprepared for it, but hey, I suppose it can happen. We arrived during the evening and I don't know what else to say other than reality must have hit. The reality of leaving my beloved home, friends, family, job, my daughter...basically be here in a studio apartment, sans bedroom. It was a bit rough in the beginning, but fortunately things are looking up for us now. :)

While hubby was unloading the UHaul that first night, I was making friends with the Kleenex box and a bottle of Fireball Whiskey. Not being a drinker, it didn't take long before I felt the effects. Once hubby was done with the unloading, I parked a lawn chair outside the door to the apartment, in the breezeway ...alone... and found myself staring dazedly at the USA and Oklahoma flags (which are found at the entrance to the apartment complex) flutter in the wind. Suddenly I began to hear some faint music. Wait? Am I hearing things? Or maybe I'm dreaming. Sounds familiar. What is it? No way!!! It can't be!'s that haunting yet comforting song played at military funerals.

"Day is done
Gone the sun
From the lakes
From the hills
From the sky
All is well
Safely rest
God is nigh."

Taps (click on the little red speaker and open to hear) about a surreal moment! (lol)

The next day, being sure, yet not entirely sure, of what I'd heard, I mentioned it to hubby who confirmed that I did indeed hear Taps. Tinker Air Force Base is within walking distance of us and every night at lights out (10 p.m.) they play it. Similarly, in the morning at 6 a.m. they play that perky morning wake-up song, Reveille. Sure enough, it's true.

If you happen to be at work while reading this and need to kick your butt in gear, give a listen to Reveille. Bet it works!

Reveille (click on the little red speaker and open to hear)

By the way, hubby was stationed at Tinker as a Security Police Specialist from 1983 to 1987.

And my first pet was named Tinker. Just thought I'd throw that in. :)

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